Green lobby talking utter nonsense about potato blight - UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew UKIP MEPs 5:41 11 years ago 881 Далее Скачать
The Green lobby are determined to kill agriculture - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:50 7 years ago 333 Далее Скачать
Green lobby folly reduces food production - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:18 6 years ago 524 Далее Скачать
UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew tests Green MEP on climate computer models UKIP MEPs 1:48 11 years ago 1 088 Далее Скачать
Green lobbyists have cried wolf once too often - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:35 11 years ago 493 Далее Скачать
Socialists and Greens furious over EFDD victory in AGRI committee - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 6:10 6 years ago 1 681 Далее Скачать
Green folly has had reverse effect for beekeepers - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:12 10 years ago 335 Далее Скачать
Green lobby preventing new breeding techniques that reduce antibiotics use - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:23 6 years ago 262 Далее Скачать
The Complete Fallacy of Harmonisation - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 3:24 10 years ago 652 Далее Скачать
EU willfully ignoring solutions to problems in agriculture - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 4:18 10 years ago 431 Далее Скачать
Stuart Agnew's farming common sense (UKIP MEP, Eastern) UKIP MEPs 7:15 14 years ago 240 Далее Скачать
Climate is driven by natural factors and there's nothing the Green lobby can do - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:03 6 years ago 342 Далее Скачать
The Green lobby's paradise of tick-infested wildlife and human disease - Stuart Agnew MEP UKIP MEPs 1:47 6 years ago 519 Далее Скачать
UKIP racists: Stewart Agnew MEP in angry Islamophobic rant I Am Incorrigible 4:48 5 years ago 3 254 Далее Скачать
UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew - Scottish Whisky Companies Need Compensation Vote UKIP 1:15 10 years ago 119 Далее Скачать